Melina grew up in Athens, is a girl with many interests and a lot of energy, although when she is at home, she prefers to sleep at 10 p.m. She is a person with intense expression feelings, may seem to other strong but is deeply sensitive (damn she cries a lot). From her childhood, she had a curiosity on discovering new things that led her to try to maintain many hobbies and as a result, has no free time. She has been a coordinator in dance and theater student’s group, worked as a dance instructor due to the many years of ballet experience, and still continues to test her creative inclination as a photographer. She has always been the person that wanted to contribute, either voluntarily participating in numerous activities in reference to humans, animals, and the environment or by being a member of the representative groups in her school and university. She now studies Food Science and Nutrition at the Aegean University of Lemnos, but her future is still unpredictable.